Sunday, February 28, 2010

JR and the Older People

I thought about not posting this, because I don't want to come across as making light or making fun of other people. Just know I am not trying to be offensive.

I go to the nursing home every Friday to hang out with the alzheimer residents.


Well I would like to think it's because I just want to be used by God.

But maybe it's just so that my friends and I will think I am a good person.

I struggled when JR asked if she could go with me a couple of weeks ago.
I was playing hymns that week and I thought about how she might get in the way.
I thought about germs.
I thought she would be afraid.
I thought about what I would do if she misbehaved in front of...well, then I thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
I brought her with me.

I explained to her that these people were older and they were all in wheelchairs (we call them magic chairs). I tried to describe what they might do or say that might be different than what she is used to.
I tried to help soften the shock that I felt the first day I walked in.
I shouldn't have worried.

The elderly lady who carries the baby dolls everywhere she goes is JR's hero
The woman who is on loud breathing machines didn't intimidate her.
At one point I watched JR walk hand-in-walker with a woman, down the hall chatting happily and completely content, while I was sitting on the edge of my chair, ready to jump up and snatch Jessie away in a moment.
She sat on the floor at my feet and played while I read the newspaper out loud.
She played the piano WITH me (confidently by the way). I had to ask her to stop.
In short, she was amazing.
I know she isn't coming because she wants other people to think she is a good person. She wants to be with me, loves the captive audience, and most importantly, doesn't see anything wrong or strange about being with people who don't make sense all of the time (she does live with me after all).

It was humbling, I thought she would see the hard parts.
Instead, she keeps asking when we can go back.


  1. Awesome! Brought tears to my eyes.

    Gideon is sitting by me while I read this. He looked up at the screen & saw the photo of you & your kids and said "What are Abby and Gideon doing?"

  2. That is awesome! Kids are such amazing creatures. I, however, don't think I could get off as easy as you! Maddie asks questions non stop (some of which I don't even know the answer to!). What a wonderful experience for both of you!!

  3. I have a friend that often goes to the nursing home and I have hesitated to go, not because of how my kids would act/react, but because it's uncomfortable for me. But, your post was a good reminder that it's good for us to go and minster and for our kids to even be a part of that. Sweet post.
