Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I learned That:

When you wear roller skates and allow the family poodle to pull you around the neighborhood by a leash tied tightly to your wrist, make sure there are no cats.

Baking soda is a great way to put out a fire in the kitchen, salt is good too. A dishtowel works in a pinch, but my mother with a pot lid is the best.

Cats cannot fly, no matter how many times you throw them off the front porch.

You cannot fly, no matter how many Wal-Mart sacks you use when you throw yourself off the front porch.

If you sew enough you'll get good at it - so not true. Quote from my Mom: "Hey Beth, please, sweetheart, after that skirt, don't make anymore for your sisters okay? They're not...moddest". I would have preferred "they're so...economical", but, whatever.

If a homeschooled boy comes up to you at the YMCA get-together and gives you a pot of honey that he harvested from his very own bees, it means he likes you. If he only tries to talk to you when he is wearing his snorkel, it might be time to give the honey back.

Just because you can balance a broom on your finger, doesn't mean you will be a hit at the talent show.

You can carry matches around to make a fire any time you might need one on the family camp out. Or. You can carry a lit candle around the whole weekend and burn your braid right off.

Cutting down a cactus with a three inch pocket knife, will not impress the boy you like.