Thursday, March 18, 2010


Do you have friendships that are so easy, you don't realize they are extraordinary?
I do.

The conversations are peaceful and interesting, or, lively and entertaining.
The stories aren't told as if they are terribly important, but I can't stop thinking about them.
I laugh harder than normal, sometimes out of relief for something to laugh about, but sometimes because it's the funniest darn thing I have ever heard in my life.
The lovely is exposed.
The bittersweet is embraced.
The struggles cease to be dramatic, and instead, become a small part of a big picture.

I'd like to think I treasure these friendships. But I take them for granted too many times

Dear Kate, Kim, Mom and Ben,

Thank you so much for spending time with me. I had a blast. You all are so much fun! But I have to admit. I couldn't finish the projects we started. The table was still covered in scraps of fabric until the other day because I couldn't bear to put it away. I was so excited to finish that silly dress, but now that you all are gone I just can't find any inspiration! When I finally packed it up, I kind of felt like my heart was going to just break right in two.
I miss you guys.
The projects and crafts are in the closet, ready for the next time we all get together. I will get to hear about boyfriends and dates, why I should eat apples with the skin on, how to wear the latest trends, or whether God is calling you to the mission field. Next time we'll have to sit around the piano, like old times. (are you listening Allison and Heather?) Okay, enough sentiment.
Here's to family!
Here's to friendship!
Here's to your loveliness and depth that feed my soul.

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