Friday, June 4, 2010

Bring On The Dog

Some of you know we got a puppy.
This is great.
I am thrilled.
Surely puppies are easier than fish..

After the prolonged illnes and death of Dolphin (R.I.P) (see first blog entry), we bought two glow-in-the-dark fish.
The fish were called "Pink One" and "Orange One" respectively.
After a week or so, "Pink One" started looking a little chubby.
I googled "how to tell if your fish is pregnant".
Then I changed the water, to create a cleaner and more sterile environment.
In the process, I crushed "Pink One"under a rock.
Then, "Orange One" began to look terrible.
I fed it to no avail.
It became emaciated and shrunken.
One morning I couldn't find it.
I thought it had died and that was the end.
I took the fish tank to the garden and poured the water into the flower bed.
"Orange one" slipped out and lay on the dirt.

Then it started moving.

It wasn't dead.

This felt a little like deja vu.
I turned around
and walked back into the house.
That was the end
I didn't even try to save the neon glow-in-the-dark little fishy.

I am done with fishies.

Bring on the Dog.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beth, its Leslie. I have started reading your blog and I think it is so darn funny. This post especially made me chuckle.
